⭐️ Celebrating Coffee Culture: This app showcases the "Coffee Cult" network of cafes, dedicated to promoting Tula's coffee culture. Developed by Tula's coffee professionals and collaborating with international roasters.
⭐️ Specialty Coffee & Brewing Techniques: Discover a world of specialty coffee beans and learn about various brewing methods offered at participating cafes.
⭐️ Rewarding Loyalty: Earn bonus rewards on your orders by logging in and verifying your phone number via SMS.
⭐️ Personalized Profile: Manage your profile effortlessly to streamline ordering and track your rewards.
⭐️ Interactive Check-in: Engage with the app by completing the "Check-in" process before paying at a cafe to receive special offers.
⭐️ Effortless Ordering: Enjoy a seamless and efficient ordering experience directly through the app.
In short, "Кофе Культ" provides an immersive and rewarding coffee experience, enriching Tula's coffee culture. Explore specialty coffees, earn rewards, and order with ease. Its intuitive design and engaging features make it a must-have for any coffee lover seeking to enhance their daily coffee ritual. Download the app now and discover a world of coffee!
Android 5.1 or later