⭐️ Volunteer Recruitment: Easily sign up to volunteer and contribute to a fair election.
⭐️ Automatic Role Recognition: The app automatically identifies your official role (if applicable), detailing your responsibilities and assigned polling station.
⭐️ Real-time Location Tracking: Ensures sufficient volunteer presence at each polling station, directing support where needed most.
⭐️ Instant Election Result Calculation: Utilizing an automated system, the app swiftly calculates results from submitted reports, comparing them against central data to facilitate any necessary challenges.
⭐️ 24/7 Support: Access immediate assistance via a dedicated call center and live messaging service.
⭐️ Comprehensive FAQ: Find answers to common election day questions and concerns.
Download Adil Seçim and grant access to "Location Services" and "Notifications" to ensure timely alerts and efficient volunteer deployment. Your participation makes a difference – be a hero for fair elections! Join the movement and protect your right to vote.
Android 5.1 or later