DealCheck is the ultimate real estate investing app that simplifies the process of analyzing and comparing investment properties. Trusted by over 350,000 real estate investors and agents, this top-ranking app has been featured by Forbes, MSN, BiggerPockets, and more. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, DealCheck provides you with powerful analysis, projection, and reporting tools.
With just a few clicks, you can crunch the numbers, perform due diligence, and calculate important metrics like ROI, cash flow, and profit. Say goodbye to complicated spreadsheets and start making smarter investment decisions with DealCheck. Download now and get an edge over other investors!
Features of the App:
DealCheck is the ultimate real estate investing app that simplifies the process of analyzing and comparing investment properties. With its comprehensive property analysis, easy data import, cloud sync, market research tools, professional reports, and additional resources, it provides everything you need to make informed investment decisions. Whether you're a new investor looking to learn or an experienced professional needing powerful analysis tools, DealCheck is the go-to app for all your real estate investment needs. Download it now and gain an edge over other investors!
Android 5.1 or later
L'application est pratique pour analyser les biens immobiliers. Elle est assez complète, mais pourrait être plus intuitive.
Die App ist ganz nützlich, aber etwas teuer. Die Benutzeroberfläche könnte verbessert werden.
This app is a game-changer for real estate investors! It's incredibly efficient and accurate. I've already closed two deals thanks to DealCheck!
Graphiquement magnifique, mais le gameplay est un peu répétitif après un certain temps. Néanmoins, l'histoire est captivante.