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Tic-Tac-Logic: X or O?

Tic-Tac-Logic: X or O?




퍼즐 19.01M Dec 21,2024




Tic-Tac-Logic: X or O? 스크린 샷 1
Tic-Tac-Logic: X or O? 스크린 샷 2
Tic-Tac-Logic: X or O? 스크린 샷 3
Tic-Tac-Logic: X or O? 스크린 샷 4
응용 프로그램 설명:

Tic-Tac-Logic: A Puzzle Game for All

Tic-Tac-Logic is a single-player puzzle game that puts a twist on the classic Tic-Tac-Toe. It offers endless fun and intellectual entertainment, challenging you to fill a grid with X's and O's while adhering to a simple rule: no more than two adjacent X's or O's in a row or column.

Each puzzle is meticulously designed with an equal number of X's and O's in each row and column, but the arrangement is unique, requiring strategic thinking to solve. To aid your puzzle-solving journey, the game provides helpful tools:

  • Ruler: Easily view and compare rows or columns.
  • Counters: Track the number of X's and O's in each row and column.
  • Pencil Marks: Mark potential solutions for those tricky puzzles.

With 90 free puzzles, weekly bonus puzzles, and multiple difficulty levels, Tic-Tac-Logic provides hours of challenge and fun while sharpening your logic and cognitive skills.

Here's what makes Tic-Tac-Logic a standout choice for puzzle enthusiasts:

  • Variety of Puzzles: Enjoy 90 free classic puzzles, plus 30 extra-large puzzles specifically designed for tablet users.
  • Difficulty Levels: From very easy to extremely hard, there's a puzzle for every skill level.
  • Puzzle Management: The app's puzzle library continuously updates with new content, ensuring a fresh challenge. You can also sort and hide puzzles for a personalized experience.
  • Helpful Tools: Pencil marks, a ruler, and row/column counters make solving puzzles easier.
  • Puzzle Progress Tracking: Graphic previews show your progress, and you can track your solving times to gauge your improvement.
  • Bonus Section: A weekly bonus puzzle keeps the fun going and encourages regular engagement.

In conclusion, Tic-Tac-Logic is a feature-rich app that offers a wide range of puzzles, multiple difficulty levels, helpful solving tools, puzzle progress tracking, and regular bonus content. With its addictive puzzles and intellectual entertainment, this app is sure to attract and engage puzzle fans of all ages and skill levels. Download now and start enjoying the endless fun of Tic-Tac-Logic!

추가 게임 정보
버전: 2.1.0
크기: 19.01M
OS: Android 5.1 or later
플랫폼: Android
관련 기사
Google Play 어워드 2024 수상자에는 스쿼드 버스터즈, 붕괴: 스타레일 등이 포함됩니다.

Google Play의 2024년 최고 상: 스쿼드 버스터즈이 최고 영예를 얻었습니다! Google의 연례 모바일 게임 부문 'Best of' 상이 발표되어 올해 가장 뛰어난 타이틀을 선보였습니다. 결과는 협력적인 보스 전투부터 매력적인 장애물 c까지 다양한 게임 경험을 강조합니다.

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