Say goodbye to the hassle of searching for CNG filling stations! With Nawgati, you can easily locate over 4000 stations across India, making your CNG experience smarter and more economical.
Planning a trip? No worries! Our app allows you to track all the CNG stations along your route, making your journey more convenient than ever.
Want to save money? Nawgati's innovative features help you estimate your daily, monthly, and annual savings on fuel by using CNG.
Stay informed! Get the latest CNG prices in major cities and states, and find the best CNG conversion kit and hydro testing service providers in your state.
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Discover a smarter way to connect with CNG stations with Nawgati!
Features of Nawgati (CNG Eco Connect):
The Nawgati (CNG Eco Connect) app is the best solution for all your CNG-related needs. Download now and experience the convenience, savings, and ease of using CNG.
Android 5.1 or later