Home > News > Serial Cleaner tasks you with cleaning up crime scenes while under the influence of a moustache

Serial Cleaner tasks you with cleaning up crime scenes while under the influence of a moustache

Author:Kristen Update:Jan 24,2025

Serial Cleaner, the quirky crime-scene cleanup puzzler, is making a comeback! Originally released in 2019, this title is returning to mobile platforms. Whether this is a simple port or a significantly enhanced re-release remains to be seen.

The game plunges players into the gritty, yet cartoonish, 1970s. As Bob Leaner, you'll tackle the messy aftermath of mob violence, disposing of bodies and evidence while dodging patrolling police. The original release received mixed reviews, praised for its concept but criticized for being somewhat unfinished.


A Second Chance?

Pre-registration is now open, with a planned release date of February 11th, 2025. While hopes are high for improvements, the time elapsed since the initial launch makes significant changes less likely. The core concept remains compelling, but a simple mobile re-release might not excite long-time fans.

However, for Android users who missed out, or those experiencing compatibility issues with older iOS versions, this could be a welcome opportunity. For everyone else, exploring our weekly top five new mobile games list might be a better alternative.