Riichi City created a wild month-long collaboration with the hit detective game series, Danganronpa. With no memories and a growing sense of unease, the Riichi City crew has to rely on their wits and mahjong skills to escape. The event begins on the 1st of July and lasts all month long.The event culminated in a puzzling twist – all participants found themselves with amnesia, trapped in a mysterious room. Talk about a high-stakes mahjong game!The event features a unique minigame called “Mahjong Machine Gun,” in which you follow the rhythm to break mahjong tiles and face off against the infamous Monokuma. There’s also a story element where you find yourself in a locked room with an unfinished mahjong match. You’ll need to collect “Truth Bullets” to solve the mystery behind the match. By logging in for 7 days during the event period, you can unlock special rewards!Danganronpa All-Stars Assemble (With Memory Loss)You join Makoto Naegi, the Ultimate Lucky Student (although his luck seemed to run out this time). Kyoko Kirigiri, the enigmatic Ultimate Detective, and the rest of the colorful cast for a unique minigame event.The real scene-stealer is Celestia Ludenberg, the Ultimate Gambler. True to form, she revels in the chaos, even laying down some extravagant wagers (though no one knows what she was betting on). And then there is Junko Enoshima, the Ultimate Despair, who seems to relish the confusion more than anyone.Swimsuit Styles And Summer ShenanigansIn the Riichi City and Danganronpa collaboration, each participating character has not one but two unique swimsuit outfits. Naegi Makoto’s “Summer in the South” outfit captures his easygoing personality, while his “Underwater World” look gives a hidden adventurous vibe.Kyoko’s “Summer in the South: Tranquil Shallows” outfit hints at a more playful side. Celestia Ludenberg, always the showman, rocked a glamorous “Queen of the Sands” look while her outfits reminded everyone who was in charge. Finally, Enoshima Junko’s vibrant “Party Time” swimsuit perfectly embodied her love of chaos, while her second outfit left players wondering if there was more to her than meets the eye.While the exact details of the minigame are supposed to be a surprise, there will be rewards and other freebies. So, get RiichiCity on the Google Play Store. Also, before you go, check out the scoop on NIKKE Makes A Splash With Dave The Diver Collab!
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