* Real-time Pricing: Access current electricity prices for every hour, keeping you informed of fluctuating rates.
* Smart Energy Planning: Optimize energy use by scheduling high-consumption activities for the most affordable periods.
* Price History: Track daily average, low, and high prices to understand price trends and make informed decisions.
* Open and Free Access: This valuable service, provided by Väre Oy, is completely free and accessible to all.
* Intuitive Design: The app's straightforward interface ensures quick and easy navigation and data comprehension.
* Reliable Data Source: Fingrid Oyj's open market data guarantees accurate and dependable price information.
Take control of your electricity expenses with Sähkön hinta nyt—a free app from Väre Oy. Real-time and historical price data combined with efficient usage planning tools empower informed decision-making and cost savings. Download now for reliable data from Fingrid Oyj and optimize your energy consumption.
Android 5.1 or later
Greit app for å følge med på strømprisene. Fungerer som den skal, men kunne hatt litt bedre design.
Bra app för att spåra elpriserna. Enkelt att använda och ger bra överblick. Kanske lite för enkel för avancerade användare.
Okay app til at tracke elpriser. Lidt for simpel, og kunne godt bruge forbedringer i brugerfladen.
The art style is beautiful, and the story is intriguing. The weight gain aspect is a unique choice, and while not for everyone, it's well-executed.