⭐️ Customizable Android Kiosk Mode: Restrict user access to specific applications via a configurable interface.
⭐️ Comprehensive Mobile Device Management (MDM): Remotely manage devices, including locking/unlocking, data wiping, and Wi-Fi control.
⭐️ Scalefusion Remote Control: Gain remote access and control over Android devices directly from the dashboard.
⭐️ Secure Kiosk Browser Lockdown: Whitelist approved websites, disable the address bar, and enable multi-tab browsing.
⭐️ Real-time Location Tracking & Geofencing: Monitor device locations and set geographical boundaries for alerts.
⭐️ Efficient Mobile Application & Content Management: Distribute, update, and remove applications, and manage files and folders remotely.
Scalefusion delivers a powerful and adaptable Kiosk Lockdown and MDM solution. Its versatile features, including Android Kiosk Mode, MDM, remote control, browser lockdown, location tracking, and content management, provide organizations with complete control over their Android devices. The intuitive interface and web-based dashboard make it suitable for a wide range of sectors, from field services to healthcare and retail. Take advantage of the 14-day free trial to experience the benefits of Scalefusion firsthand.
Android 5.1 or later