TVING is your all-access pass to a world of Korean entertainment. Stream unlimited popular shows from channels like tvN, JTBC, and Mnet, along with a diverse selection of movies and international series. Enjoy the freedom to download content for offline viewing, perfect for commutes or travel. Beyond on-demand viewing, TVING offers free live streaming of 33 channels, complete with handy features like Quick VOD—catch up on a show just 5 minutes after it airs—and a Time Machine function to rewind and rewatch missed programs. Access your entertainment seamlessly across smartphones, tablets, PCs, and TVs.
Please note: TVING services are currently limited to Korea, and require Android 8.0 or higher.
TVING offers a comprehensive entertainment experience, combining live TV, on-demand streaming, and convenient download options all within one user-friendly app. Sign up today for unlimited streaming and flexible viewing—download the app and start streaming!
Android 5.1 or later