Accurate and Detailed Weather Data:
The app delivers highly accurate weather data, covering wind speed, direction, air temperature, humidity, pressure, wind chill, heat index, apparent wind, crosswind, tailwind, dew point, and air density. This comprehensive information empowers users to make informed decisions based on current weather conditions.
Easy Sharing of Weather Reports:
The app makes it simple to capture and share weather reports from your exact location. Whether you're a weather enthusiast, outdoor adventurer, or professional meteorologist, the ability to instantly share weather data via social media, email, and messaging platforms turns the app into an invaluable tool for disseminating real-time weather information.
Compatibility with WeatherFlow Meters:
The Wind & Weather Meter app integrates seamlessly with WeatherFlow WINDmeter and WEATHERmeter devices. By pairing the app with these meters, users can boost the accuracy and precision of their weather measurements, ensuring reliable data for a broad spectrum of outdoor activities.
Calibrate Your WeatherFlow Meter:
To ensure the accuracy of your weather measurements, regularly calibrate your WeatherFlow meter. This step is crucial for maintaining the device's performance and ensuring the reliability of your weather reports.
Share Your Reports with Others:
Leverage the app's sharing features to broadcast current weather conditions in your area. Whether you're a kite surfer, sailor, or weather enthusiast, sharing your reports with friends, family, and fellow enthusiasts can enrich the overall weather-watching experience.
Explore Advanced Weather Metrics:
The app goes beyond basic weather data to offer advanced metrics such as wind lulls, tailwinds, and air density. Delve into these additional measurements to gain a deeper understanding of the weather factors that can affect your outdoor activities.
The Wind & Weather Meter app is an essential tool for anyone keen on staying updated with current weather conditions. With its accurate data, easy sharing capabilities, and seamless integration with WeatherFlow meters, the app offers a complete solution for capturing and communicating real-time weather information. Whether you're a casual user or a seasoned weather enthusiast, this app is designed to enhance your outdoor experience and help you make informed decisions based on reliable weather data. Download the app today and unlock the power of precision weather measurement.
Android 5.1 or later