,與Mountain Climb 4x4一起享受攀登困難的丘陵和山脈的樂趣!
Mountain Climb 4x4 : Offroad Car Drive is a realistic simulation and racing game that requires you to climb hills by overcoming obstacles with an off-road vehicle. Collect all the coins on your way in each stage to reach the hill as quickly as possible and complete the stage successfully. Avoid falling from cliffs and facing obstacles while trying to reach the hill. With its challenging and unique stages that receive continuous updates, this game will keep you hooked.FEATURES :- An environment where the laws of physics reign supreme! Cars respond to your every command and behave realistically.- 5 distinct car models with varying technical and hardware specifications (new cars added regularly)- Modify car specifications such as handling, engine, and brakes,- Customize the color, rims, and appearance of your cars- High-quality and ever-changing environment models.- Addictive episodes that never get boring- New actions introduced with each episode- New stages added every 15 daysHOW TO PLAY?- Choose the control method that suits you best. Select a driving type or adjust your device's sensors in the Settings section. Adjust the steering sensitivity if you encounter control difficulties.- Purchase upgrades if your car struggles to overcome obstacles or lacks speed. If upgrades prove insufficient, consider buying a new car.- Earn coins by watching videos or replaying completed stages if you run out.- Experiment with different strategies to overcome obstacles, as cars move according to the laws of physics. Repeating the same method will not yield different results.ANNOUNCEMENT :Our game, Hill Climb Race 4x4, has been renamed to Mountain Climb 4x4. Please search for and support us under this new name. Report any game-related errors via email at [email protected] Follow our social media accounts to stay updated on Mountain Climb 4x4 news and our latest games: www.facebook.com/silevelWe'll be back soon with new graphics, new cars, and brand-new stages. Thank you for your support.
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