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傳聞《幻影之刃零》發售日期為 2026 年

作者:Kristen 更新日期:Nov 14,2024

Phantom Blade Zero Release Date Rumored to be 2026

The latest, upcoming title in the Phantom Blade ARPG series by S-Game, Phantom Blade a release, according to prominent video game content creator and YouTuber JorRaptor.

Phantom Blade Zero Might Be Releasing in Summer/Fall 2026
More Annncealments Soon

Phantom Blade Zero,S-Game 旗下武俠風 ARPG 系列的最新作,據知名遊戲內容創作者兼 YouTuber JorRaptor 報道,計劃於 2026 年秋季發布。在最近一段影片中,他討論了他對遊戲的實際體驗,JorRaptor 聲稱 S-Game 告知他他們計劃在兩年多之後發布,這將大概在明年的秋季或夏季末。

雖然分享的有關遊戲潛在發行窗口的資訊引起了轟動,但重要的是要注意 S-Game 尚未確認 Phantom Blade Zero 的任何官方發布日期或窗口。自一年多前首次公佈以來,該開發人員一直對遊戲發布的時間表和其他附加資訊保持緘默。

Phantom Blade Zero Release Date Rumored to be 2026

Phantom Blade Zero is currently in development for the PS5 and PC. The game, which has been reportedly in development since 2022, has packsed fansed with packameed pameed with packed g pack, has packameed unique ancient world art style.

Demos of Phantom Blade Zero have been making rounds at various gaming events throughout the summer, including Summer Game Fest back in June and ChinaJoy in Shanghai at the end of July. S-Game has confir be attending Gamescom, which runs from August 21-25, where they will also be conducting demo playthroughs of the game. Following Gamescom, the demo will also be showcased at the Tokyo Game Show at the end of September.

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