> 遊戲 >Trixies Holiday

Trixies Holiday

Trixies Holiday




休閒 1568.30M Feb 02,2023




Trixies Holiday屏幕截圖1

Trixies Holiday is an immersive and captivating storytelling app that takes you on a journey with Trixie, a charming protagonist who embarks on unforgettable adventures. Offering a unique blend of choice-based gameplay and compelling narrative, this app creates an engaging experience where decisions shape the outcome. Explore Trixie's world, full of intriguing twists and turns, as you encounter captivating characters and navigate through unexpected challenges. With rich storytelling and an element of surprise, this game invites you to indulge in a riveting tale that will leave you eagerly anticipating the next chapter.

Features of Trixies Holiday:

  • Interactive Gameplay: Trixies Holiday offers an immersive gaming experience where players embark on a thrilling adventure as Trixie, a lively character exploring new horizons.
  • Diverse Characters and Relationships: This game goes beyond stereotypes, allowing players to form meaningful connections with various characters, regardless of gender, expanding the range of possibilities for romance and friendships.
  • Engaging Storyline: Dive into a captivating storyline filled with unexpected twists, intriguing challenges, and personal growth as Trixie navigates through diverse settings, enhancing gameplay depth.
  • Stunning Visuals and Soundtrack: Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Trixies Holiday with its stunning graphics and a mesmerizing soundtrack that enhances the overall gaming experience.

Tips for Users:

  • Explore and Interact: Don't be afraid to dive deep into the game's world. Engage with characters, take part in side quests, and discover hidden secrets to unlock additional surprises.
  • Make Choices Wisely: Trixies Holiday allows players to make impactful decisions, shaping the outcome of the game. Consider the consequences of your choices, as they may affect relationships and future events.
  • Upgrade and Customize: Be sure to enhance Trixie's abilities and acquire unique items along the way to overcome challenges. Customize the appearance and style of Trixie, making her truly one-of-a-kind.


Trixies Holiday offers an exhilarating adventure game experience where players embark on a captivating journey as Trixie. With its interactive gameplay, diverse characters and relationships, engaging storyline, and visually stunning graphics, players are sure to be enthralled by the immersive world of this game. By exploring, making wise choices, and upgrading Trixie's abilities, players can shape the outcome of the game and unleash their creativity. Get ready to embark on a holiday experience like no other and download today for an unforgettable gaming adventure.

版本: 7.1
尺寸: 1568.30M
開發人員: Bsovca
作業系統: Android 5.1 or later
平台: Android
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