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伊卡洛斯 M:大规模黑色星期五AirDrop!

作者:Kristen 更新日期:Dec 12,2024
                Largest airdrop ever with 500,000 Vel on offer
                Event runs until December 1st
                Divided into two phases to maximise earnings

Valofe has just announced a massive airdrop event for Icarus M: Guild War, which will bring a whopping 500,000 Vel Tokens to the MMORPG. This event is part of the Black Friday celebration and it is already live, offering you a shot at improving your in-game experience, unlocking exclusive upgrades, and progressing faster than ever. 
a game board with rewards like gems on it

The second phase emphasizes DS Roulette Tickets. By utilizing at least 2,000 tickets during the event, you’ll enter another raffle, where 200 winners will each obtain 1,000 VEL Tokens. As with the first phase, non-winners will still get 100 DS Roulette Tickets as a consolation prize.

《伊卡洛斯 M:激战》中的空投活动将持续到 12 月 1 日,您有两周的时间参与并最大限度地提高赚取 VEL 代币的机会。您将可以进入两个活动阶段,每个阶段都会为完成特定任务提供丰厚的奖励。两个阶段都很棒,因为它们可以显着提高您赢得赠品的机会。

在第一阶段,在活动期间至少花费 1,500 VEL 代币,您就有资格获得赠品,其中 200 名参与者将每人获得 1,500 VEL。即使您没有获胜,所有参加者也将获得 100 张 DS 轮盘赌券作为安慰奖。

a game board with rewards like gems on it

The second phase emphasizes DS Roulette Tickets. By utilizing at least 2,000 tickets during the event, you’ll enter another raffle, where 200 winners will each obtain 1,000 VEL Tokens. As with the first phase, non-winners will still get 100 DS Roulette Tickets as a consolation prize.

要参与,请确保您符合标准,包括拥有已注册的 Play 钱包和帐户一级觉醒以上。只有一个 Play 钱包可以参加该活动,您可以同时加入两个 Play 钱包,以提高获得宝贵奖品的几率。

获奖者将被随机选出,奖品将在 12 月 2 日至 22 日之间分发。您使用的彩票越多,中奖的概率就越高,因此请准备好使用这些彩票。 当您玩的时候,您还可以立即查看这份最适合在 Android 上玩的 MMO 列表!<🎜>