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Ultimate Werewolf Timer

Ultimate Werewolf Timer




益智解谜 13.80M Dec 12,2024




Ultimate Werewolf Timer应用截图第1张
Ultimate Werewolf Timer应用截图第2张
Ultimate Werewolf Timer应用截图第3张

The Ultimate Werewolf Timer app is a must-have for any Ultimate Werewolf enthusiast. This app significantly enhances gameplay by providing fully customizable timers for each game phase, ensuring perfectly timed rounds. Whether you're playing classic Ultimate Werewolf or the Legacy edition, this app streamlines the experience. Timers cover the First Day, subsequent days, nighttime actions, and even includes a dedicated Defense timer, preventing any timing mishaps. Additional features such as 1:00 alarms, end-of-day alarms, and a visually appealing sun animation add to the immersive experience. This essential tool is a game-changer for all Ultimate Werewolf players.

Key Features:

  • Flexible Timers: The app boasts customizable timers for all game stages, providing moderators and players with easy time management and smooth gameplay.
  • Day and Night Timers: Separate timers for the First Day and subsequent days (with decreasing durations) accurately reflect the game's progression. A dedicated Night Time timer facilitates nighttime actions, maintaining suspense and strategic depth.
  • Defense Timer: A unique Defense timer adds tension, limiting the time players have to plead their case, heightening the psychological element of the game.

User Tips:

  • Personalize Your Timers: Tailor the app's timers to match your preferred game pace and style. Experiment with the available options to optimize the experience.
  • Clear Communication: Moderators should inform players of the timer settings and durations to ensure everyone understands the timing throughout the game.
  • Strategic Nighttime Use: Encourage players to utilize the Night Time timer for strategic planning, discussing suspicions, and preparing for the next day.

In Conclusion:

The Ultimate Werewolf Timer app is an indispensable tool for any Ultimate Werewolf game session. Its customizable timers for each game phase—First Day, subsequent days, nighttime, and defense—guarantee smooth and organized gameplay. Whether you're a moderator or a player, this app enhances excitement and strategic gameplay. Utilize its customization features and communicate effectively with your fellow players to elevate your Ultimate Werewolf experience. Download it today and transform your game nights!

版本号: 2.0.3
大小: 13.80M
开发者: Bezier Games
系统要求: Android 5.1 or later
平台: Android
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