Application Description:
Use the Bring & T update app to update your Bring Digital Key's software to the latest version.
Update Steps:
- Launch the BringAnti update application.
- Tap "Update digital key" at the bottom of the screen.
- Choose your digital key ("BR_xxxxxxxx") from the displayed list. If it's not listed, tap "Search again."
- Once selected, the current and target software versions will be shown.
- Confirm your device by tapping "Your device is correct." The digital key's light will flash purple for 10 seconds. During this time, briefly press (0.5 seconds) the digital key's button.
- The digital key's light will change from purple to blue, indicating the software update is in progress.
- Once the update is finished, tap "Close" to exit the app.
- Maintain proximity between the digital key and the update app during the wireless update.
- The update (approximately 2-3 minutes) cannot be interrupted; ensure the digital key has sufficient battery life.
- In case of errors or interruptions, close the app and restart it.
- The digital key must be registered before a software update can be performed. Unregistered keys cannot be updated.